Twin-Matic Model

Twin-Matic Model


Patent : N° 05.03953 du 20/04/2005

  • Lapidary for grinding concrete cylinders samples
  • 2 diamond grinding wheels for grinding SIMULTANEOUSLY the 2 sample faces
  • Continuous water system on the diamonds of the 2 grinding wheels
  • Closed water circuit




Patent:  N° 05.03953 du 20/04/2005




    • 2 diamond grinding wheels for grinding SIMULTANEOUSLY the 2 sample faces
    • Lapidary for grinding concrete cylinders samples
    • Continuous water system on the diamonds of the 2 grinding wheels
    • Closed water circuit
    • Stainlessteel desludging tank, removable, with a 100-liter capacity
    • Easy and fast clamping by hydraulic system
    • Vertical travel of the sample between the grinding wheels in rotation, machining feasible in descent and  in up-take (patented system)
    • Automatic feed of the grinding wheels which allows an automatic cycle on a preprogrammed number of crossings and a pass depth
    • Entirely waterproof casing
    • Net weight of the twin matic specimen grinding machine : 1.900 kg approximately


Twin-Matic specimen grinding machine in use :

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