600-2000-3000 kN – XP / monobloc
Automatic testing machine for compressive tests on cubes and cylinders
The XP range frame is a cast in one piece frame extremely resistant. Wether in 600, 2000 kN or in 3000 kN force, there are 2 different setups to choose from :
XP Compact :
In this version, the NEOTRIS frame and control panel are only one. This configuration presents de numerous advantages :
reduced dimensions, starting up very easily done, without any connection, ergonomic working height, frame « forklift truck » studied, making transport and handling easier, waterproof bottom (in accordance with hydraulic machines legislations) in order to recover the hydraulic leakages.
XP/P on leg :

Mounted on one leg, in order to preserve an ergonomic working height, the XP/P frame is driven by an automatic NEOTRIS control panel. It is the solution for any laboratories which need to drive several frames (edges, tubings, pavements, …) from one and unique control panel.
Specifications :
- Class 1
- High rigidity frame, controlled by footmeter
- Designed according to the European testing machines standards
- Hardened steel platens Ø 330 mm – Hardness > 58 HRC
- Vertical clearance: 340 mm – 170 mm with wedges
- Protection screen doors, with an automatic security sensor
- Openwork legs designed for easy handling with forklift truck